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Azerbaijani refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

1 min read

Consequences of Armenian Military aggression and Armenian extremism supported by Republic of Armenia against Azerbaijan Republic.

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Azerbaijan, Karabakh, Aghdam, February 1992 WHERE IS MY SON ? OÛ EST MON FILS ? پسرم كجاست ؟ اوغلوم هار دا دى ؟ After the Khojaly massacre, the International Red Cross organized a cease-fire to enable them to return the corpses of murdered Azerbaijanis. From the 23,757 inhabitants before the war, only 2,500 remained. The Armenian armed forces and members of the 366 Soviet infantry regiment were waiting to gun them down. As a result of this massacre, 613 people were killed, and 487 were severely injured. The wounded who escaped the gunfire had to trek through the mountains to safety. Many perished in the cold, and 1275 people were taken hostage. Those who survived would visit the mosque of Aghdam, used as a morgue to find the corpse of their lost relative. The old man, a survivor of the massacre grasps onto a photograph of his missing son. Crying, he was asking the other families if they have seen him. Azerbaidjan, Karabakh, Aghdam, Fevrier 1992 Apres le massacre de Khodjali, la Croix-Rouge internationale organise un cessez-le-feu pour rapatrier les corps des Azerbaidjanais morts. Il ne restait que 2 500 personnes sur les 23 757 habitants d’avant la guerre. Les forces armées arméniennes et les membres du 366e regiment d'infanterie soviétique attendent en contrebas. 613 personnes sont tuées, dont 487 gravement mutilées. Ceux qui en réchappent traversent les montagnes à pieds, beaucoup meurent de leurs blessures ou du froid. 1 275 personnes sont prises en otage. Ceux qui ont survécus vont à la mosquée d'Aghdam, utilisée comme morgue pour retrouver les corps de leur proches disparus. Le vieil homme a survécu au massacre, tenant une photographie de son fils disparu, il demande à d'autres familles si elles ont vu son fils, ou son corps, en tenant une photo dans ses mains et en pleurant. #khojaly #massacre #civil #innocent #testimony #witness #aztagram #picoftheday #photooftheday #xocali #photojournalism #reza #rezaphoto #rezadeghati #rezaphotography #rezaphotojournalist #webistan #عكاس# رضادقتى @thephotosociety

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Azerbaijan, Karabakh, Aghdam, February 1992 After the Khojaly massacre, the International Red Cross organized a cease-fire to enable the Red Cross to return the corpses of Azerbaijanis killed in Khojaly. The 2,500 remaining inhabitants (23,757 before the war) found themselves without electricity, heating oil, water, or food and thus sought the safe passage they were promised. Instead, Armenian armed forces and members of the 366 Soviet infantry regiment were waiting to gun them down.As a result of this massacre 613 people were killed, 487 were severely. Those who escaped the gunfire only wounded had to trek through the mountains to safety – many perished in the cold. 1275 people were taken hostage. Those who survived would visit the mosque of Aghdam, used as a morgue, to search for their disappeared loved ones. They wandered among dozens of corpses, brought by the Red Cross, wrapped in body bags. Women support one another after finding the dead bodies of their relatives. … Azerbaidjan, Karabakh, Aghdam, Fevrier 1992 Apres le massacre de Khodjali, la Croix-Rouge internationale organise un cessez-le-feu pour rapatrier les corps des Azerbaidjanais morts a Khodjali. Les 2500 habitants restant (23 757 avant la guerre) se retrouvent sans electricite, mazout pour le chauffage, eau ou nourriture, et cherchent le passage securise promis. Mais les forces armees armeniennes et membres du 366e regiment d'infanterie sovietique attendent en contrebas, armes a la main. 613 personnes sont tuees, dont 487 gravement mutiles. Ceux qui en rechappent traversent les montagnes a pieds, beaucoup meurent de leurs blessures ou du froid. 1 275 personnes sont prises en otage. Ceux qui ont survecu visitent la mosquee d'Aghdam, utilisee comme morgue, cherchant leurs proches disparus. Ils errent parmi les dizaines de cadavres enveloppes dans des sacs mortuaires portees par la Croix-Rouge. Des femmes se soutiennent mutuellement apres avoir trouve les cadavres de leurs parents. #khojaly #khojalymassacre #Karabakh #karabakhisazerbaijan #rezaphoto #photo #photojournalism #caucasus #Azerbaijan #caucase #resolutionun #peace #diplomacy

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